
Friends of Ohlone Park
a nonprofit community organization

3 Year Strategic Plan for Improvements

Goals of the Strategic Plan
• Create broad guidelines for Park Planners regarding Park Use and Facilities Improvements
• Assess Needs of Park Users (including Bike and Pedestrian Commuters) and Integrate them into Plans
• Provide Specific Suggestions to Berkeley Parks and Recreation Staff regarding placement of Lighting, Pathways, Table and Bench locations, Recreation Facilities (Fields and Playgrounds) and Planting

Broad Guidelines
1. Improve lighting in dark areas of the park, especially against the North side of the park.
a. Identify locations where illegal camping is frequent, and locate durable energy efficient fixtures in these locations. (attach park map with diagrams)
2. Maintain open plantings and landscaping, so that there are no hidden areas
a. Reduce height of shrubs to no more than 4ft so that law enforcement can easily see into all areas of the park
b. Prune trees so that there are fewer low hanging branches and so they do not block lighting
3. Encourage increased use of the park for casual exercise and families
a. Keep areas clean and free of debris, drug paraphanalia, install improved garbage cans and recycling
b. Expand child friendly spaces such as the Bonita totlot, and “slow” paved paths where kids can learn to ride bikes
c. Install a new Exercise Par Course with bars, sit up planks, etc
d. Explore the possibility of routing new jogging trails along the north side of the park, away from Hearst, to bring more activity into those areas.
4. Improve the pedestrian / bike pathways for commuters traveling through the park
a. Improve lighting along the path so it is continuous and feels safe
b. Do not construct any structures directly next to the path which could hide illegal activities or provide hiding places for assaults
c. Examine moving the bike path to the south of the boulders between California and Sacramento to create a quieter and safer stretch of sidewalk near Delaware Street
d. More clearly define bicycle pathways between Sacramento and California, and define them from pedestrian pathways
5. Integrate themes of the Ohlone Culture and History into the Park to create a more recognizable connection to local history.
a. Research ways to present historical imagery and Ohlone traditional construction so that residents and visitor can understand the importance of the Park’s namesake.
b. Create events which honor the Ohlone peoples – lectures, community gatherings, etc
c. Create planting areas which feature native plants and/ or recreate an Ohlone Landscape
6. Establish a Community Meeting Place, such as a large gazebo within the Community garden, which could serve as a Community meeting place.
a. The creation of an outdoor space where neighbors could gather in fair weather at no cost would support the efforts of Friends of Ohlone Park.
b. An outdoor gathering space could become the Center for neighborhood gatherings focused on music, gardening, chess games, literary events, crime and safety eduction outreach etc without entailing the cost of renting a room at the Senior center.
c. An outdoor gathering space would need to be designed and sufficiently fenced off so as not to become a shelter for transient camping or daytime use by self-medicating individuals.